
Spring 2018 Weekend Non-Residential Retreats (March 9-11 and April 20-22)

Theme: Zazen-Sitting Meditation

Friday March 9 to Sunday March 11, 2018

Location: FCJ Retreat and Conference Centre 219-19 Ave SW, Calgary

Cost: $120.00 plus donation for the teacher

Reduced fees available for those on limited income.

The retreat is open to beginners and experienced practitioners. It will include zazen (sitting meditation), kinhin (walking meditation), dharma talks and Dokusan (individual meetings with the teacher).

March Retreat

With Myoshin Kate McCandless of Mountain Rain Zen Community and Shuso Baizan Tim Sampson of Calgary Soto Zen

Friday March 9 to Sunday March 11, 2018

April Retreat

With Shinmon Michael Newton of Mountain Rain Zen Community and Shuso Baizan Tim Sampson of Calgary Soto Zen

Friday April 20 to Sunday April 22, 2018.


Friday - 6:00 P.M. to 9:00 P.M.
Saturday - 9:00 A.M. to 9:00 P.M.
Sunday - 9:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M.

Register online